Our WeatHer 
At A Glance


AT Grossglockner/Heiligenblut Resort ©ZAMG

The weather in the valley

2 / 8 °C
Rainy throughout the day. The rain might turn into sleet or snow towards evening.
0 / 2 °C
Constant snowfall through the day. Slow-down towards evening.
-1 / 7 °C
Snowfall will gradually turn into rain. Then drying up in the afternoon.

The weather on the mountain

-5 / -2 °C
Dull throughout the day with light snowfall every once in a while.
-5 / -3 °C
Constant snowfall through the day. Slow-down towards evening.
-6 / -1 °C
Mostly thick clouds, and a chance of some snowfall in the first half of the day.